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Finance Advisory Committee Minutes 02/13/08
Adobe Acrobat Exchange 6.0Chilmark Board of Selectman / Finance Committee Minutes February 13, 2008
Members present:
Board of Selectmen: Warren Doty, Frank Fenner, & Riggs Parker
Finance Committee: Marshall Carroll (Chair), Sarah Shipway, Richard Williams, Frank Yeomans, John Maloney & Frank LoRusso
Town Hall: Tim Carroll, Melanie Becker, Tom Wilson, Annette Anthony
Martina Mastromonaco – Beach Super., Lenny Jason – Building Inspector,
Polly McDowell – Tax Collector, Ebba Hierta – Library Director,
Norman Freed – Library Chairman, Pam Bunker – Assistant Assessor,
Marshall C. called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. He moved to accept the minutes from January 30th and Riggs P. seconded, all Members were in favor.
Marshall C. began a conversation regarding the proposed increase to line
# 5155 - Superintendent. Warren D. explained that in the past, both the Superintendent and the Assistant were paid from the one line and that this year it had been broken out to show 2 lines. Martina M. said increases were Step and COLA. There was a brief discussion regarding Step and Grades for the Parking Attendants. Martina noted that many of her returning Attendants had been with the Beach Dept. for over 3 years, thus allowing them a Step increase. There was general conversation regarding the Asst. Superintendent’s Step and Grade. Melanie B. asked why both were on the same Step & Grade and Martina M. explained. She noted that even though her Assistant was seasonal, she had the same job responsibilities and did the same job as Martina did and therefore she felt she should be on the same Step & Grade. She noted that the Assistant had been given the same training and possessed the same qualifications as she had. Melanie B. said she disagreed, and felt that there should be a differentiation in at least the Step between the Superintendent and the Assistant. There was general conversion regarding the job descriptions for both the Assistant and Superintendent. Both Richard W. and Martina M. said currently there was no job description for the Assistant position. Tim C. noted that that item had been on the table for some time now and had not yet been completed. There was continued conversation regarding Step & Grades for the gate attendants, and Martina M. explained.
Frank F. noted that the Beach Dept. had increased their budget, yet turned back money every year. Martina M. noted that due to the seasonal positions that the salary portion would not be expended until June, July & August, which would be in the next fiscal year. Richard W. asked if the Gate Guard positions were interchangeable and Martina M. said not really because the Gate Guards we not lifeguard certified.
There was a general conversation regarding the possibility of the beach guards selling beach stickers directly from the beach shack for the last 2 weeks of the season. The idea stemmed from the fact that during the last few weeks of the season there was a greatly reduced number of residents purchasing beach stickers and therefore thought it might be cost effective to close the beach sticker office at the town hall and allow the gate guard to sell the stickers, therefore eliminating a staff person and thus reducing payroll costs.
Tim C. said he felt uncomfortable with cash being handled outside of the building.
Martina M .was asked about the $ 5,500.00 increase to line # 5242 – Facilities Maintenance, and if there was a specific project that the money was earmarked for. Martina M. said that the money was for the maintenance of the road and parking lot. She said that they were going to grade the road in the spring. She said that they had hoped to fix up the beach shack a bit as the floor was rotting and the door was broken. She said the shack was beginning to fall apart.
Riggs P. asked about line # 5325 Plover Inspections, and Martina M. explained by Mass. State law, they had to have money in place for plover inspections even if they do not expend the money. There was a question regarding Professional Development and what it was used for and Martina M. explained it paid for the Red Cross training that all the lifeguards received as well as any water safety courses. She noted that this year most of the trainings would be done in June.
Marshall C. asked about line # 5430 – Facilities Maintenance / Supplies and Martina M. said this was for items such as rakes, shovels, floats and the swim – line. There was a brief discussion regarding the swim line, which Warren D. noted was on the dock in Menemsha, and the lack of storage space for the Beach supplies. It was asked if there would be a possibility of having a storage shed for the Beach Dept. at Peaked Hill Pastures. Marshall C. agreed it was a good idea and Tim C. said they should look at the costs.
Polly M. said there were minor increases to her budget. She said that line # 5248 – Software Maintenance increased yearly according to Data National’s increases. She said her salary increase was longevity only. She explained that the postage rate was being increased and therefore had raised her budget accordingly. Marshall C. asked if the increase was going to be enough and Polly said she thought so, and explained the formula she used to calculate her postage needs. It was agreed by Members that Polly’s postage line would increase by $ 100.00 more than she had originally added. The total amount for line # 5344 Postage would now be $ 3,100.00.
Polly M. explained that her increase to line # 5421 Tax Bills was due to an increase by the company for the price of the 3-part bills she sent tout to the taxpayers. She said they worked well for the town and were cheap enough. It was asked if she could print her own bills and she said no. There was a general conversation regarding the percentage of late tax payments. Polly M. stated that currently approximately less that 1 % of the tax bills were un- paid and that all were paid by October.
Polly said she wanted to discuss the Warrant Article for $ 35,000.00. She said the current software company the Assessor and Tax Collector use was no longer going to be supporting the software they used. She said they looked at other companies and prices and noted that most of the others prices were up to about $ 80,000.00. She said that the
$ 35,000.00 included everything, including the conversion, installation and support. Polly M. explained how she and the Assistant Assessor both viewed the program and felt it was the best choice, at the right price for the Town.
She said they had worked out a time frame after the summer to make the conversion. Warren D. asked about the service, tax title, and maintenance agreements, and Polly M. gave the break down on what each item could cost.
Marshall C. asked about the salary increase and Pam B. said it was due to a Step increase for her as well as longevity. She said she had increased the amount for the temporary clerical help since she was working on state mandated statistical analysis and did not have time to do basic filing and field card updating. There was a brief discussion regarding line # 5313 - the mapping services and what the Town received for the yearly fee and Pam B. explained.
There was a brief discussion regarding inspection fee increases for electric, gas and plumbing permits. Lenny J. said currently the inspection fee was $ 50.00 and would like to see it increase to $ 60.00 per inspection. Warren D. said it was not up to the Finance Committee to okay fee increases. Tim C. said that Chilmark’s fees were currently the lowest on the Island. There was a brief discussion about inspections and Riggs P. said the BOS would look at a possible increases and recommendations from Lenny J. before July 1, 2008.
Norman F. gave a detailed overview of the libraries past year. He said how circulation had increased by 74% and said that the building had been used by members of the community for many, many things over the year. He said their budget consisted of funding from the Town, the Friends of Chilmark Library and grants from the state.
He explained the current repair projects that the building had undergone and how they were financed. He gave a brief explanation regarding the salary increases and noted they were COLA and Step increases. Ebba H. noted that they were asking to have the Summer Temporary employee starting pay to be increased to Step 2 so that they would be on par with the other Island library’s start pay. She said the increase was in line # 5154.
Riggs P. complimented the budget Ebba H. had presented and said it represented tight control of the finances. Ebba H. gave a breakdown on the increases to the budget and why. There was a general, detailed discussion regarding what amount of money was funded by the “ Friends” what that money was used for, how it was raised, whether it was the same amount every year, the stability of the fund and what items were purchased with the money. Warred D. asked about additional support, and Ebba H. said they received support from the Regional Library office which gave them training and access to their data base as well as State aid of approximately $ 3,900.00 and grants. There was discussion regarding the increase in summer hours to include being open on Friday afternoons and how that impacted the budget. There was a question regarding the increase in line # 5210 – electricity, when in the past several years they had not utilized the budgeted amount. Ebba H. agreed that the line was a bit over budgeted and it was decided to reduce line # 5210 by $ 1,000.00.
The Committee had already reviewed the budget for the Town Office, but Tim C. said he’s like to review it again. He gave a brief review of repairs taking place at the
Community Center which included floor maintenance, door replacements and the preparations for the building of a vestibule at the front of the Center.
Tim C. gave a brief review of the minor increased to this budget. He said there was an increase of $ 525.00 to the salary for the Administrative Assistant. He said this was an increase in hours as well as a Step increase. He said the Professional Development had been increased to accommodate Members who attended classes and said currently there were 2 seminars being offered.
Tim C. said there was $ 1,000.00 in the budget and most likely be used for the ball field at Peaked Hill. He said this would include possible seeding in the spring.
There was a brief discussion regarding the Special Town meeting (STM) and the 3 warrant articles.
Marshall C asked about eminent domain and the wording used. It was explained to him why the wording “eminent domain” was used and what it can mean. He said he felt that the wording was misleading to the voters on the article and wondered if it could be changed. Riggs P. said Town Counsel should be asked to explain at the STM.
Frank Y. asked if the Housing Committee had come back with the cost estimates and was told the data was not completed as of yet.
There was a brief discussion on whether or not the Members should vote on recommending the 3 warrant articles. Sarah S. moved to recommend the articles, and Richard W. seconded. There were 5 ayes, Frank Yeomans abstained from voting and Bill Randol was absent.
Marshall C. moved to adjourn and Riggs P. seconded. All Members were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Annette Anthony
Approved 7/14/2008